Cost-Benefit Analysis of Lagoon Screening

Daphnia · May 29, 2020

Adding headworks screening to a lagoon can prevent ragging, improve lagoon performance, protect equipment, and reduce the frequency and cost of sludge removal. Learn the pros and cons of various screening options and see how adding lagoon screening can save tens of thousands of dollars over the life of your lagoon system. Learn how adding coarse screening can improve lagoon treatment and reduce costs.

• Benefits of adding coarse lagoon screening:  prevents ragging, improves treatment, reduces sludge accumulation
• Which screen type is best for lagoon systems?  pros and cons of manual bar screen, mechanical bar screen, perforated plate belt and screw screens
• Cost-benefit analysis of adding headworks screening:  how screening can pay for itself over its lifecycle in reduced power and sludge removal costs; with case studies

00:00 Intro
00:46 Agenda
01:06 Intro to Triplepoint
09:08 Types of Screens
21:19 Cost Analysis
28:24 Lagoon Screening Options
38:14 Case Study: DeSoto, IA
48:21 Conclusion
49:09 Q&A

Preapproved for 1 continuing education hour in Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming. Likely accepted in states that do not preapprove CEUs, such as Alabama and South Carolina. Eligible for PDH credit in all states.

About the instructor

Patrick Hill is a lagoon specialist for Triplepoint Environmental, a company dedicated to providing cutting edge and cost-effective solutions for wastewater lagoons across North America. After graduating from the University of Notre Dame, Patrick began his career working for the reputable civil engineering firm, Sheaffer & Roland, Inc., which focuses on the design, build and operation of wastewater treatment lagoon systems. He joined Triplepoint, based in Oak Park, Illinois, in 2007, and has since worked with hundreds of lagoon owners to help extend the life of lagoon systems, improve efficiency, expand capacity and meet new effluent requirements. Patrick has presented on lagoon topics at dozens of conferences across the country and at the Water Environment Federation’s annual conference (WEFTEC).

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