This hour-long webinar will teach you how to properly sample and test your lagoon system. You’ll learn where, when, and how to pull samples; how to avoid common sampling errors and data inconsistencies; and how to understand your data and gain valuable insight to optimize treatment. You’ll also learn sampling strategies to show your lagoon system in its best light.
0:00 Introduction
5:04 Why sampling matters
7:38 Sampling is like taking a test
9:03 Reading your permit
14:15 What you can and cannot do
15:34 When: Composition of TSS
20:21 When: Algae impact
21:25 When: Algae and time of day
22:49 When: Algae’s impact on BOD/TSS
30:25 When: impact of rain events
36:27 When to pull samples
37:21 How: grab vs composite samples
40:24 Percentage of removal requirements
41:02 How to pull samples
41:06 Data analysis
41:37 TSS: BOD ratios
44:08 Comparing historical data
45:49 Different forms of BOD
48:37 Determining algae’s influence on BOD
51:19 Ammonia vs TKN
53:04 Total phosphorus
54:13 Intra pond testing
57:42 Questions
1:01:00 End
Preapproved for 1 continuing education hour in Washington with the successful completion of the quiz and verified attendance. Likely accepted in states that do not preapprove CEUs, such as Alabama and South Carolina. Eligible for PDH credit in all states.
About the instructor
Patrick Hill is a lagoon specialist for Triplepoint Environmental, a company dedicated to providing cutting edge and cost-effective solutions for wastewater lagoons across North America. After graduating from the University of Notre Dame, Patrick began his career working for the reputable civil engineering firm, Sheaffer & Roland, Inc., which focuses on the design, build and operation of wastewater treatment lagoon systems. He joined Triplepoint, based in Oak Park, Illinois, in 2007, and has since worked with hundreds of lagoon owners to help extend the life of lagoon systems, improve efficiency, expand capacity and meet new effluent requirements. Patrick has presented on lagoon topics at dozens of conferences across the country and at the Water Environment Federation’s annual conference (WEFTEC).