In this hour-long webinar, lagoon specialist and certified operator Tom Daugherty will focus on the use of lagoons in food processing wastewater. Topics will include the characteristics of food processing wastewater; the benefits of using lagoon-based wastewater treatment for food processing facilities; how sludge can be reduced in place; and case studies illustrating the design and optimization of food processing lagoons.
Eligible for 1 continuing education hour with the successful completion of the quiz and verified attendance. Likely accepted in states that do not preapprove CEUs, such as Alabama and South Carolina. Eligible for PDH credit in all states.
About the instructor
Tom Daugherty is a wastewater industry veteran with thirty years of administrative and managerial experience, including as president of BlueWater Technologies and as National Sales Manager for s::can. He is a licensed wastewater operator in the state of Washington and holds an MBA in sustainability. Tom’s extensive hands-on experience working with lagoon systems has given him a deep understanding of lagoon operational issues and their solutions.